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How to delete attributes or rows of the exampleset automatically

sharkisharki Member Posts: 8 Contributor I
Hi guys, 
i am a new member of the Rapidminer community and would like know, how can i just remove or delete automatically several attributes or rows, which contain certain  kind values? For my apllication i dont need the time stamp and would like to delete them from my example set. Thank you :)

Best Answer


  • lionelderkrikorlionelderkrikor RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Member Posts: 1,195 Unicorn
    edited May 2020
    Hi @sharki,

    I have maybe an idea. Can you share your dataset ?
    In addition, can you elaborate :

     i dont need the time stamp and would like to delete them from my example set
    What do you want to do exactly ?

     - if an attribute contains at least a date, you remove this attribute ?
     - if a row contains at least a date, you remove the row ?


  • sharkisharki Member Posts: 8 Contributor I
    edited May 2020
    Hi @lionelderkrikor,thank you for your interest. My intention is, that i would like to extract the data of a application through its URL-Adresses. With the data i would like to create a exempleset, which should look like this 

    Here is my process so far.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    -<process version="9.6.000">






    -<operator name="Process" expanded="true" compatibility="9.6.000" class="process" activated="true">

    <parameter value="init" key="logverbosity"/>

    <parameter value="2001" key="random_seed"/>

    <parameter value="never" key="send_mail"/>

    <parameter value="" key="notification_email"/>

    <parameter value="30" key="process_duration_for_mail"/>

    <parameter value="SYSTEM" key="encoding"/>

    -<process expanded="true">

    -<operator name="Read Excel" expanded="true" compatibility="9.6.000" class="read_excel" activated="true" y="34" x="45" width="90" height="68">

    <parameter value="/home/hailuong/Documents/Link.Parameter.ECOKI.2020-05-11.xlsx" key="excel_file"/>

    <parameter value="sheet number" key="sheet_selection"/>

    <parameter value="1" key="sheet_number"/>

    <parameter value="A1" key="imported_cell_range"/>

    <parameter value="SYSTEM" key="encoding"/>

    <parameter value="true" key="first_row_as_names"/>

    <list key="annotations"/>

    <parameter value="" key="date_format"/>

    <parameter value="SYSTEM" key="time_zone"/>

    <parameter value="English (United States)" key="locale"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="read_all_values_as_polynominal"/>

    -<list key="data_set_meta_data_information">

    <parameter value="Link.true.polynominal.file_path" key="0"/>


    <parameter value="false" key="read_not_matching_values_as_missings"/>

    <parameter value="double_array" key="datamanagement"/>

    <parameter value="auto" key="data_management"/>


    -<operator name="Get Pages" expanded="true" compatibility="9.3.001" class="web:retrieve_webpages" activated="true" y="34" x="179" width="90" height="68">

    <parameter value="Link" key="link_attribute"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="random_user_agent"/>

    <parameter value="10000" key="connection_timeout"/>

    <parameter value="10000" key="read_timeout"/>

    <parameter value="true" key="follow_redirects"/>

    <parameter value="none" key="accept_cookies"/>

    <parameter value="global" key="cookie_scope"/>

    <parameter value="GET" key="request_method"/>

    <parameter value="none" key="delay"/>

    <parameter value="1000" key="delay_amount"/>

    <parameter value="0" key="min_delay_amount"/>

    <parameter value="1000" key="max_delay_amount"/>


    -<operator name="Data to Documents" expanded="true" compatibility="9.3.001" class="text:data_to_documents" activated="true" y="34" x="313" width="90" height="68">

    <parameter value="false" key="select_attributes_and_weights"/>

    <list key="specify_weights"/>


    <operator name="Combine Documents" expanded="true" compatibility="9.3.001" class="text:combine_documents" activated="true" y="34" x="447" width="90" height="82"/>

    -<operator name="Remove Document Parts" expanded="true" compatibility="9.3.001" class="text:remove_document_parts" activated="true" y="34" x="581" width="90" height="68">

    <parameter value="item_time|item_value|" key="deletion_regex"/>


    -<operator name="Split Document into Collection" expanded="true" compatibility="2.4.000" class="operator_toolbox:split_document_into_collection" activated="true" y="187" x="45" width="90" height="82">

    <parameter value="\n" key="split_string"/>


    -<operator name="Split" expanded="true" compatibility="9.6.000" class="split" activated="true" y="187" x="179" width="90" height="82">

    <parameter value="value_type" key="attribute_filter_type"/>

    <parameter value="Token" key="attribute"/>

    <parameter value="" key="attributes"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="use_except_expression"/>

    <parameter value="nominal" key="value_type"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="use_value_type_exception"/>

    <parameter value="file_path" key="except_value_type"/>

    <parameter value="single_value" key="block_type"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="use_block_type_exception"/>

    <parameter value="single_value" key="except_block_type"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="invert_selection"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="include_special_attributes"/>

    <parameter value="," key="split_pattern"/>

    <parameter value="ordered_split" key="split_mode"/>


    -<operator name="Replace" expanded="true" compatibility="9.6.000" class="replace" activated="true" y="187" x="313" width="90" height="82">

    <parameter value="all" key="attribute_filter_type"/>

    <parameter value="" key="attribute"/>

    <parameter value="" key="attributes"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="use_except_expression"/>

    <parameter value="nominal" key="value_type"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="use_value_type_exception"/>

    <parameter value="file_path" key="except_value_type"/>

    <parameter value="single_value" key="block_type"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="use_block_type_exception"/>

    <parameter value="single_value" key="except_block_type"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="invert_selection"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="include_special_attributes"/>

    <parameter value="[-!"#$%&'()*+/;:<=>?@\[\\\]_`{|}~]" key="replace_what"/>

    <parameter value=" " key="replace_by"/>


    -<operator name="Trim" expanded="true" compatibility="9.6.000" class="trim" activated="true" y="187" x="447" width="90" height="82">

    <parameter value="all" key="attribute_filter_type"/>

    <parameter value="" key="attribute"/>

    <parameter value="" key="attributes"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="use_except_expression"/>

    <parameter value="nominal" key="value_type"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="use_value_type_exception"/>

    <parameter value="file_path" key="except_value_type"/>

    <parameter value="single_value" key="block_type"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="use_block_type_exception"/>

    <parameter value="single_value" key="except_block_type"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="invert_selection"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="include_special_attributes"/>


    <operator name="Transpose" expanded="true" compatibility="9.6.000" class="transpose" activated="true" y="187" x="581" width="90" height="82"/>

    -<operator name="Select Attributes" expanded="true" compatibility="9.6.000" class="select_attributes" activated="true" y="340" x="447" width="90" height="82">

    <parameter value="single" key="attribute_filter_type"/>

    <parameter value="id" key="attribute"/>

    <parameter value="" key="attributes"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="use_except_expression"/>

    <parameter value="attribute_value" key="value_type"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="use_value_type_exception"/>

    <parameter value="time" key="except_value_type"/>

    <parameter value="attribute_block" key="block_type"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="use_block_type_exception"/>

    <parameter value="value_matrix_row_start" key="except_block_type"/>

    <parameter value="true" key="invert_selection"/>

    <parameter value="true" key="include_special_attributes"/>


    -<operator name="Remove Useless Attributes" expanded="true" compatibility="9.6.000" class="remove_useless_attributes" activated="true" y="340" x="581" width="90" height="82">

    <parameter value="0.0" key="numerical_min_deviation"/>

    <parameter value="1.0" key="nominal_useless_above"/>

    <parameter value="false" key="nominal_remove_id_like"/>

    <parameter value="0.0" key="nominal_useless_below"/>


    <connect to_port="Example Set" to_op="Get Pages" from_port="output" from_op="Read Excel"/>

    <connect to_port="example set" to_op="Data to Documents" from_port="Example Set" from_op="Get Pages"/>

    <connect to_port="documents 1" to_op="Combine Documents" from_port="documents" from_op="Data to Documents"/>

    <connect to_port="document" to_op="Remove Document Parts" from_port="document" from_op="Combine Documents"/>

    <connect to_port="document" to_op="Split Document into Collection" from_port="document" from_op="Remove Document Parts"/>

    <connect to_port="example set input" to_op="Split" from_port="example set" from_op="Split Document into Collection"/>

    <connect to_port="example set input" to_op="Replace" from_port="example set output" from_op="Split"/>

    <connect to_port="example set input" to_op="Trim" from_port="example set output" from_op="Replace"/>

    <connect to_port="example set input" to_op="Transpose" from_port="example set output" from_op="Trim"/>

    <connect to_port="example set input" to_op="Select Attributes" from_port="example set output" from_op="Transpose"/>

    <connect to_port="example set input" to_op="Remove Useless Attributes" from_port="example set output" from_op="Select Attributes"/>

    <connect to_port="result 1" from_port="example set output" from_op="Remove Useless Attributes"/>

    <portSpacing spacing="0" port="source_input 1"/>

    <portSpacing spacing="0" port="sink_result 1"/>

    <portSpacing spacing="0" port="sink_result 2"/>




    So after Combine Documents Operator i got a Dataset, which look like that 

    the example set looks like that before transpose

    and at the end of the whole process like that 

    So if you take a look at my first picture, then maybe you would know my intention of my set up. If i could clear up the time stamp in the rows, then i will get exact the same dataset like the one in the first picture. And because i work with a dynamic data set, therefore i would like to know to delete the rows, colums or unwanted values in my exampleset automatically, so that i would'nt just have to delete the rows, colums , attributes or values by hand. Sorry for the long answer. i hope, i could express well, what i would like to do. 
  • lionelderkrikorlionelderkrikor RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Member Posts: 1,195 Unicorn
    Hi @sharki,

    What is the complete pattern of your timestamp ? (ie DD.MM.YYYY ? or something else ..?)
    In the screenshot you shared, the timestamp is truncated so, I can not determine it.


  • sharkisharki Member Posts: 8 Contributor I
    Hi @lionelderkrikor

    the pattern of the timestamp is DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM i guess. The application records every ten minutes different values of the parameters, which are measured by several sensores. 

  • sharkisharki Member Posts: 8 Contributor I
    Hi @lionelderkrikor, you are just genius and a brillian  rapidminer magician! thanks for your effort! ^^
  • lionelderkrikorlionelderkrikor RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Member Posts: 1,195 Unicorn
    You're welcome, @sharki.

    Good luck for your study ! 


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