How to selectively enable/disable RapidMiner built-in extensions

aleksandar_jovanov New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

As I have lack of RAM issues I would like to start RapidMiner without some (but not all) extensions.

From the log I see it loads stuff I do not need like Dropbox and Google Cloud Storage integrations.

So far I was only able to load without extensions after a crash due to running out of RAM.

I checked all documents in ~/.RapidMiner but none seems to be directly related to selectively disabling/enabling extensions.

Note: This has nothing to do with marketplace extensions and everything to do with built-in ones.

For example

INFO: Register plugin: Social Media
May 14, 2020 5:23:18 PM registerPlugins

I don't need that plugin for Social Media.

The whole log is attached.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Aleksandar Jovanov

Best Answer

  • aleksandar_jovanov
    aleksandar_jovanov New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓
    Nevermind found it.


    where rapidminer-studio is the directory in which I unziped the zip containing the app


  • MartinLiebig
    Altair Employee
    i think you can delete the jars from your managed location. But those extensions should have a minimal footprint.

  • aleksandar_jovanov
    aleksandar_jovanov New Altair Community Member
    edited May 2020
    Hello Mr. Martin @mschmitz

    Thank you for your answer but your suggestion is sadly not applicable to my problem

    >Note: This has nothing to do with marketplace extensions and everything to do with built-in ones.

    I have already deleted everything under managed, which were extension only from the marketplace.

    My problem is with built-in plugins.

    Is there a way to disable some of them, ideally without decompiling, deleting some code and recompiling the RapidMiner studio JARs?

    Thank you.
  • MartinLiebig
    Altair Employee
    the managed ones are under:
    C:\Program Files\RapidMiner\RapidMiner Studio\lib\plugins

  • aleksandar_jovanov
    aleksandar_jovanov New Altair Community Member
    Can you tell me the directory for linux?
  • aleksandar_jovanov
    aleksandar_jovanov New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓
    Nevermind found it.


    where rapidminer-studio is the directory in which I unziped the zip containing the app

  • MartinLiebig
    Altair Employee
    right in the folder you downloaded and extracted it into. For me this looks like this

    martin@martin-VirtualBox:~/Desktop/rapidminer$ ls
    conf  EULA  lib  RapidMiner-Studio.bat  scripts  third-party-licenses
    martin@martin-VirtualBox:~/Desktop/rapidminer$ ls lib/plugins/
    cloud_connectivity-9.6.0-all.jar                operator_recommender-9.2.0-all.jar                                rapidminer-extension-concurrency-9.7.0-BETA-all.jar      rapidminer-extension-productivity-9.7.0-BETA-all.jar       time_series-9.7.0-BETA-all.jar
    dataeditor-7.3.0-all.jar                        process_scheduling-9.7.0-BETA-all.jar                             rapidminer-extension-cta-9.7.0-BETA-all.jar              rapidminer-extension-professional-9.7.0-BETA-all.jar
    h2o-9.7.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar                      rapidminer-extension-advanced-file-connectors-9.7.0-BETA-all.jar  rapidminer-extension-html5-charts-9.7.0-BETA-all.jar     rapidminer-extension-remote-repository-9.7.0-BETA-all.jar
    model_deployment_management-9.7.0-BETA-all.jar  rapidminer-extension-blending-9.7.0-BETA-all.jar                  rapidminer-extension-jdbc-connectors-9.7.0-BETA-all.jar  rapidminer-extension-utility-9.7.