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How to find high price for next day?

DilshadDilshad Member Posts: 1 Learner I
Your help will be appreciated.
I have a question, where I need to predict a high price for the next day based on open price, low price, and volume. Also I have to use the Linear regression model for this. 
How do I do this? What should I set as a label here?



  • hughesfleming68hughesfleming68 Member Posts: 323 Unicorn
    edited May 2020
    Just those attributes? What happened to previous close and high values? Regardless, take a look at the time series examples. I still think that Thomas Ott's videos give the best basic explanation of windowing and validation for this kind of problem. They are not new but still very relevant. Search neuralmarkettrends on YouTube.

    The quick answer to your problem is that with open, low and volume....you are not going to be able to predict the high value. Check your data.
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