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Regarding Document Similarity
Hello All, I am giving multiple excel files as input by using
loop files=>append =>process documents=>data similarity. But, it is appending it into one excel file.
I would like to upload different documents individually and compare them like document 1 with document 2 and so on. The output we expect is document 1 is % similar to document 2. Please help me how can I achieve this and how should I give input to process documents in order to check multiple documents. Suggest if any other workflows exists than this to achieve document similarity for multiple documents.
loop files=>append =>process documents=>data similarity. But, it is appending it into one excel file.
I would like to upload different documents individually and compare them like document 1 with document 2 and so on. The output we expect is document 1 is % similar to document 2. Please help me how can I achieve this and how should I give input to process documents in order to check multiple documents. Suggest if any other workflows exists than this to achieve document similarity for multiple documents.
Best Answer
Telcontar120 RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,635 UnicornI think you don't want to use "Append" here which is putting everything into a single exampleset.
Instead, just loop the files and do the document processing. Or you may need to use collections. @mschmitz or @BalazsBarany may be able to provide more specific suggestions.5