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Installing Tableau Extract API 2.0 in Mac OS

michael05michael05 Member Posts: 1 Learner I
Dear community,

I'm a Mac user and I'm trying to install Tableau Extract API 2.0 in my MacBook. I followed the instruction from the first link when you google 'Using the Tableau Table Writer' (sorry about the non-link but my status here doesn't allow me to post links yet). I installed the Tableau Table Writer extension, downloaded the .dmg file, copy/pasted all files in the Frameworks directory to /Library/Frameworks/, created a plist file under ~Library/LaunchAgents/ and wrote the code exactly the same as the example from the page. However I when I execute I see an error message that says 'Hyper Server did not call back on the callback connection' and I don't know what I have done wrong. Can anyone help me with this?

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