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linear regression nominal data problem

WaadWaad Member Posts: 7 Learner I
hi everyone
i have a problem implementing linear regression on a dataset that has polynomial and numerical data
but theproblem is i want to predict Activity which is polynomial values
and when i use Nominal to Numerical i still get error
thank you all

Best Answer

  • ceaperezceaperez Member Posts: 541 Unicorn
    edited July 2021 Solution Accepted
    Hi @Waad,

    You need to ensure that all your attributes are numeric type. If you assign a role before to the numerical transformation the nominal to numeric operator will ignore that attribute unless you mark to include special attribute.
    In any case, You need to work better your dataset, for example eliminating the alphabetical part in your attributes with reggex code and preserve the numerical part.

    In the RM Academy you have a lot of great videos to learn about data transformations.

    Please find attached a simple aprox to your problem. You need to work on your dataset it and analyze your assumptions and the results.



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