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Extract regression equation

LouieLouie Member Posts: 3 Newbie
edited April 2022 in Help
I'm building a model to predict a numeric continuous variable by using another numeric variable.
Logarithmic or polynomial equations better fit my data. They have given a lower error rate than linear regression, but I'm unsure how to extract the model equation (formula) from the model I built.
Here is the algorithm I used:
- Generalized Linear Model
- family: gaussian
- link: log 
 (Green label = prediction) 

Also, I am trying to use polynomial regression for my model since it shows the equation in the model output. However, the prediction is totally off, not sure if I made any mistake in the setting. (Green label = prediction) 


Best Answer

  • ceaperezceaperez Member Posts: 541 Unicorn
    Solution Accepted
    Hi @Louie
    If you click on the data option into the left menu, you can see a table with the attributes and coefficients. You can construct the model with the more significant variables using the p-value  and significance level as  criteria. 

    The attached image is from sample process for GLM regression.




  • ceaperezceaperez Member Posts: 541 Unicorn
    Hi @Louie

    There is a good guide about the use and interpretation of GLM. It was very useful for me.


  • LouieLouie Member Posts: 3 Newbie
    edited April 2022
    Hi ceaperez, 
    Thank you for the reference.
    I understand the GLM formula and interpretation. However, I'm not sure where to find the model equation I built which I am planning to apply the model into other application (by using the formula) to predict new testing data (e.g., label = a + b(x) + c (x)   or label = a+b log (x)
    . Also, I am wondering if the rapidminer GLM could automatically generate interaction terms when I have 2 or more numeric or binomial independent variables?
  • MartinLiebigMartinLiebig Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, University Professor Posts: 3,525 RM Data Scientist
    maybe you want to check the Function Fitting operator.
    - Sr. Director Data Solutions, Altair RapidMiner -
    Dortmund, Germany
  • LouieLouie Member Posts: 3 Newbie
    Thanks mschmitz,

    The Function Fitting operator could help me for generating interaction terms.
    However. I'm still not sure how to directly out up the equation from an GLM .

    For example, I can find the equation directly from linear or polynomials model 

    but not with GLM

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