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which version of RapidMiner are you using? In the most current version I cannot reproduce this problem easily.
If you are using version 5.0.003, please build a process where you use only data generators and that still reproduces the problem. If you could post it here, I would be able to find the bug if it still exists.
I've installed 5.0.003 and now it's reporting another error. It says "numerical attributes not supported". I've used "Generate Up-selling Data" as automatic data generator and the problem persists. I've logged the process with logverbosity = "all". The results are here: Thank you very much
that's only an erroneous entry. We have removed that in the meanwhile. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I've downloaded 005. Problem persists. Can't handle numerical values with CHAID.
I think you misunderstood my solution: Chaid simply does not support numerical attributes, so I removed the erroneous entry that it does! The description of it's behavior was changed, not the behavior itself.
Thank you