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Starting Rapidminer without a GUI from command line
I have a PS3 (PlayStation 3) with ubuntu 9.10 installed. When I start rapidminer using "Way 3" (http://rapid-i.com/content/view/17/40/) ie: java -Xmx800m -jar rapidminer.jar it starts. I can also use java Xmx800m -jar rapidminer /path/fileName.rmp and this works. In both cases I rapidminer process which takes about 1 hour to run on my normal computer takes about 2 days to run on the ps3.
I think part of the problem my is the PS3 has very little RAM and might run alot faster without the GUI. I have attempted to start rapidminer 5 without the gui using the example in http://rapid-i.com/rapidforum/index.php/topic,13.msg13.html#msg13 but have been unable to do so.
Thanks in advance,
I have a PS3 (PlayStation 3) with ubuntu 9.10 installed. When I start rapidminer using "Way 3" (http://rapid-i.com/content/view/17/40/) ie: java -Xmx800m -jar rapidminer.jar it starts. I can also use java Xmx800m -jar rapidminer /path/fileName.rmp and this works. In both cases I rapidminer process which takes about 1 hour to run on my normal computer takes about 2 days to run on the ps3.
I think part of the problem my is the PS3 has very little RAM and might run alot faster without the GUI. I have attempted to start rapidminer 5 without the gui using the example in http://rapid-i.com/rapidforum/index.php/topic,13.msg13.html#msg13 but have been unable to do so.
Thanks in advance,
in fact this forum link is very old and was definitively not for version 5.0. This has been slightly changed. Anyway I would suggest, deflating the zip file from source forge to your PS3 and then use the RapidMiner start script instead of the RapidMinerGUI start script to start RapidMiner. It will simply start RapidMiner in command line mode. You can attach the process file as parameter to this script.
As far as I know, if you use Linux on your PS3, the java will make use of the Power4 process only, and does not incorporate the Cell processors. Since the Power4 has less computational power than your desktop pc, it will take much longer, regardless of gui or no gui...
You are correct that most configurations of java would not incorporate the Cell processors, however there are a few VM configurations for the PS3 that might use the Cell processors. http://people.inf.ethz.ch/anoll/publications/cellvm.pdf
The PS3 has a very limited amount of RAM, which is why I do not want the GUI. When I run "top" from terminal I find that I'm using most of the RAM running the bare minimum OS, RapidMiner and terminal. From other forms this is causing memory swapping which is very very slow. I am having problems loading Rapidminer's start script.
I used terminal to navigate to rapidminer/scripts/
ps3@WORKGROUP:~/Downloads/rapidminer/scripts$ ls
rapidminer rapidminer.bat RapidMinerGUI RapidMinerGUI.bat
Then I tried run the rapidminer.bat script I get some errors:
ps3@WORKGROUP:~/Downloads/rapidminer/scripts$ rapidminer.bat
rapidminer.bat: command not found
ps3@WORKGROUP:~/Downloads/rapidminer/scripts$ java rapidminer.bat
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: rapidminer/bat
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: rapidminer.bat
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:319)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:264)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:332)
Could not find the main class: rapidminer.bat. Program will exit.
ps3@WORKGROUP:~/Downloads/rapidminer/scripts$ start rapidminer.bat
start: Unknown job: rapidminer.bat
Any suggestions,
I think you are starting the windows batch file rapidminer.bat instead of the unix shell script rapidminer without extension...
For executing rapidminer, you might need to execute chmod to make it executable.
I have this working now and summerized the steps I used in case it is of interest to someone else.
1) Extracted rapidminer to /opt/rapidminer
2) cd /opt/rapidminer/lib
3) java -jar rapidminer.jar
4) downloaded the latest version and restarted
5) cd /opt/rapidminer/scripts
6) sudo chmod a-x rapidminer
7) sudo nano rapidminer
8) On the 6th line I added the text
9) sh rapidminer //RepositoryName/dir/filename
how does RM perfom on the PS3? Finally an argument for us data miners to convince our wifes for buying such an expensive toy?
Right now I'm using IBM's Java and as you said it does not incorporate the Cell processors, but I'm contacting the author of a java VM which is suppose to utilize the cell processors. Should I get this working I'll do some benchmarking.
I bought my PS3 a while ago, and sony said they were going to support running linuxs on it, however they changed their minds and with the latest firmware update they disabled the ability to use linux. So either you can use it a video game console or if you get an old console (PS3 fat w firmware 3.15) it can be used a linux box.
The other problem with a PS3 they have a very limited amount of RAM. Technically 256 MB of ram, however running Yellow Dog 6.2, and turning off all but the most essential services including the GUI I get about 120MB of free RAM. Yellow Dog 6.2 does a memory swap with the RAM from the video card, which is much faster then other linux distros, but there is still a speed penalty. This is why I think small processes run at the same speed but larger ones that use more RAM run slower.
Also there is a memory leak when I run Rapidminer on the PS3. I'm not sure if its Yellow Dog, the IBM VM or Rapidminer but it requires me to restart the PS3 after each use.
At this point I would not recommend buying a PS3 for Rapidminer.