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Watching content of macros
That feature would be awesome if you could get a window on breakpoints that shows you defined macros + their contents.
I'm currently trying macros inside subprocesses and loops and its hard to find out problems.
Macros i define are allways global, or?
I mean, can they be accessed inside subprocesses,too?
If not, i'm having a small problem because i need to calculate with variables/macros inside a subprocess(wich contains other subprocesses that need to access the variables).
I'm currently trying macros inside subprocesses and loops and its hard to find out problems.
Macros i define are allways global, or?
I mean, can they be accessed inside subprocesses,too?
If not, i'm having a small problem because i need to calculate with variables/macros inside a subprocess(wich contains other subprocesses that need to access the variables).
Good point. Maybe you can file that into the bug tracker.
And yes, macros are visible inside your subprocess, tool.
You also log macro values, like this..
That way if you change some things often it is on hand for you to check and make sure everything is correct before starting a long process.
Another idea is to directly show the editable list of macros in the 'set macros' parameter view. That way if you have to check or change macros you are only one click away. No point for the entire parameter view to be a button to a popup window.
ever opened the "Context" view? Or am I getting you wrong?
Is there some tutorial/help file on the context view?
When does the context view update? Can you change macro values in the context view?
no. The context view only display the macros you enter in the context view. It is basically a "shortcut" to avoid having Define Macro operators in all your process as the very first step, doing nothing more than defining static macros. That's the purpose of this view.