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combine example sets

simon_knollsimon_knoll Member Posts: 40 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help
Hello all
is there a possibility to "merge/combine" examples by there id?

for instance having this examplset:
transformed into this
best regards
simon knoll


  • radoneradone RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 74 Guru
    Hello Simon,

    I am afraid that Example ID should be unique in the whole ExampleSet. Otherwise it wont be an ID.
    However it is quite simple to combine two example sets. Please refer to the RM tutorial (available via RM help menu).

  • simon_knollsimon_knoll Member Posts: 40 Contributor II
    Hmm, i think you got me wrong, i'll try to give a better explaination:

    I have a Process Document Operator wich processes several documents.
    within the process operator i have a cut operator wich extracts different features.
    and nou i have different examples wich all are extracted from the same document.
    as i want to do kind of document clustering i need to tell the cluster algorithm (k-means)
    that these examples extracted from the same document belong together. therefore i
    thought the only way is to combine examples.

    could someone help me please
    im really desperate at the moment :-/
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