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Difference OptimizeAttributes vs. OptimizeWeights

chaosbringerchaosbringer Member Posts: 21 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help
i want to optimize the Attributeset for a neural net.
My question is simple: Why should one choose the OptimizeAttributes-Operator over the OptimizeWeights-Operator? The OptimizeWeights-Operator does also return a subset of usefull Attributes, because it sets not useful attribute's weights to 0. So both operators leave you with a subset of attributes, but the WeightOptimizer additionally optimizes the weights. Is there a usecase, where this is not favorable?

Thank you very much,


  • fischerfischer Member Posts: 439 Maven

    I cannot find an OptimizeAttributes operator in my RapidMiner.

  • haddockhaddock Member Posts: 849 Maven
    Isn't he called Ingo  ;D ?
  • chaosbringerchaosbringer Member Posts: 21 Contributor II
    Uh, sorry i meant Optimize Selection Operator. The operator that optimizes the attribute sets.
    Anyhow, i think my question falls into the category "dumb beginner question", and therefore is obsolete.
  • fischerfischer Member Posts: 439 Maven

    I wouldn't say this is a "dumb" question :-) If I understand you correctly, your problems are solved, right? You can also have a look at the sample processes, I think the operators are used there as well.

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