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Sentence Analysis

Paul_WhittakerPaul_Whittaker Member Posts: 2 Contributor I
edited November 2018 in Help

I have documents that contain an identifier and a sentence of words. I've broken the sentences into individual words using Tokenize from the Text Analysis module, but I would also like to tag each word with the original sentence identifier that it came from.

The second question is that I although I have the individual words, I would like some way of checking for phrases i.e. relationships between the words.

Any help at all would be really really appreciated.

Many Thanks


  • landland RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 2,531 Unicorn
    Hi Paul,
    unfortunately this isn't possible right now. But we have already planned to extend the Text Processing Capabilities to such a point, a detailed plan lies on my desk. So it's only a matter of time when it can be done with RapidMiner :)
    Anyway, if you have a strong desire for some specific feature and need it as soon as possible, we are always offering the service of making individual extensions or adapting existing ones to your needs.

  • Paul_WhittakerPaul_Whittaker Member Posts: 2 Contributor I
    Many thanks Sebastian - Out of interest, roughly how much would it cost to get an individual extension? Currently I'm re-matching the words back to the original sentences at the database end and it takes a very long time. Feel free to email me at paulwhittaker99@hotmail.com.

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