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W-M5P application problems

OzoneOzone Member Posts: 17 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help

I got some very good results in predicting numerical label ( with numerical + polynominal attributes ) with Weka's M5P operator.

Unfortunately, if i load the model from a file and want to apply it to a new data set ( with exactly the same attributes and type of data, only other values ) it produces no output ( only "?"/ missing values ). What could be wrong?

I found out, that it is possible to apply this operator in one process to the same data it is learned with. Furthermore it is not possible to apply it on an origin data set with maybe one or two attributes more than used in the training process.

Thx a lot for help!



  • landland RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 2,531 Unicorn
    could you please file a bug report for that? Could you try different WEKA Models as well? Might be there's a general problem, but I haven't the time to address this right now.

  • OzoneOzone Member Posts: 17 Contributor II

    I fixed the problem. For some operators it seems to be important that the test example set has the same number of attributes as the training example set.

    In my case, I forgot to declare the label attribute (as it was in the training data set) as label. So it was one attribute to much in the test data set.

    Nov 18, 2010 2:24:59 PM WARNING: W-M5P: The number of regular attributes of the given example set does not fit the number of attributes of the training example set, training: 47, application: 48
    Nov 18, 2010 2:24:59 PM SEVERE: W-M5P: Exception occured while classifying example:48 [class java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException]

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