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"market basket analysis tempalte"

MartCronosMartCronos Member Posts: 3 Contributor I
edited May 2019 in Help
Hi I´m trying to make a MB analysis using the template. My data is in the form:

CustomerID    ItemId                countId
20100923        Leche 250ml    3

1st QI read a CSV and store the data, when I try to define the roles of the last to attributes to regular I do not find the option.
2nd Q when I run the tempalte it runs smooth up to the FPgrowth process where I get "The example set contains non-nominal attribute sum(ItemCount)..."

I've searched on the Forum but have not found an answer. I'm stucked any suggestions?


  • el_chiefel_chief Member Posts: 63 Contributor II
    you can only have ones and zeros (or true and false) in a dataset for market basket analysis

    check out the type conversion operators
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