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"Web:Enrich Data by Webservice"

DavidjePDavidjeP Member Posts: 2 Contributor I
edited May 2019 in Help
Hi all,

I just started using RapidMiner. I absolutely like the toolkit, good work. My question is about the 'Web:Enrich Data by Webservice' operator. I'd like to call the Google Translate REST service from my process, using the value of my attribute named Content in the example set. I just cannot seem to figure out how to use this attribute in my url.. I tried:<;attribute  Content>&source=nl&target=en

And tried other variants.. nothing seems to work. Who can help me?

regards David


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    DavidjePDavidjeP Member Posts: 2 Contributor I
    Found the problem. I downloaded the source code of the Web plugin and found that an Exception is thrown in case of an underscore character.. The URI class is used, that's why:
    (new URI(null, value, null)).toASCIString()

    regards David
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    landland RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 2,531 Unicorn
    Hi David,

    sorry for my late reply, we have been distracted by some urgent work. Could you please post a bugreport for this? I don't think this is an appropriate behavior of the operator :)

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