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You have to know the jargon... Observation->Example. So "Filter Example Range" could be handy.
Good weekend to all!
Filter Example Range does not select a desired subset of examples(observations). It gives error to change the range and puts first example -2 and last example -1.
The closest operator is Sample but i cannot chose whatever range e.g. n...n+1500
I think the reason why you think it is not working is the fact that the Problem view shows you two errors. But take a close look: it states that those are potential problems. And that's actually perfectly right: we can not get the necessary meta data from the CSV file without reading it and for exactly that reason it is not available during design time but only during execution time. If you use the configuration wizard, we already will know about the attribute meta data but still not about the data set size.
You should use the repository as often as possible for data storage in order to avoid this type of confusion - we are always suggesting this!
And you know what? That is exactly what should happen!!! How can the operator know how many examples are in the file? The file could be dud. What you are being told is exactly that there are potential errors, which is perfectly correct.
PS... This is bizarre, I've just seen the post of the pointy one, seems rather similar... Which one of us studied under zu Guttenberg?
I see both your points.
I still think this should not show as an ugly red error message it should rather Inform that the indexes May be outside the matrix dimensions. Or throw Just a runtime error if that is indeed the case.
(ehm i did not know I could just ignore it and execute, i dont like error messages and am a toal newb to RM)
Thank you both :-*
Actually I think you are right when you say 'it should rather Inform' - over the years I've noticed that people are freaked out unnecessarily by the metadata messages ( info about the dataflow ). If you are an old slob like me you just bash the start button and watch the springs fall out of the back of the machine.
Perhaps there should be a paranoia setting in the preferences, so that these pesky messages can be served only on demand.
you know maybe along the paranoia setting people would appreciate Difficulty setting in the preferences too like "Hurt me plenty" or "Hey, not too rough"