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"Select attributes for Set Role operator"

karenkaren Member Posts: 6 Contributor II
edited May 2019 in Help
Hi! I've just installed  5.1.003  version, i imported an excel file,  just two columns,  the "first row as names" parameter checked and the "imported cell range" parameter correctly filled because in the Meta Data and in the Data View data is shown fine.
But the role of one of the attributes is not OK so i'm trying to apply the Set Role operator to change a regular to label. The "name" parameter of this operator does not show the names of the attributes to select and set the role, I also tried to write it there but i get an error.. how do i set the role?

Thanks and sorry for the naive question..



  • Marco_BoeckMarco_Boeck Administrator, Moderator, Employee, Member, University Professor Posts: 1,996 RM Engineering

    if you use the Read Excel operator, the example set meta data will not be available during process design. You can either store the data in a repository and retrieve it afterwards for correct meta data, or you can simply type in the name of the column in the Set Role operator anyway just as you did and ignore the error. The error is based on the meta data and you will get a correct result despite it.

  • fritmorefritmore Member Posts: 90 Contributor II

    thats why the creators of RM are suggesting using data from your repository.
    If you did all correctly and you are getting this warning all should run corrctly. Try the repository and you should not see the warning again.
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