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Cross Distance Operator

abdul_wahababdul_wahab Member Posts: 2 Contributor I
edited November 2018 in Help

I have a training File with 14 instances (All attributes are nominal )from which I sample  one  instance and use the cross distance Operator;

Correct me if I am wrong , that the Distance function is only applied on regular attribute and not on special attributes e.g label , id

Second Question:
After this  If I choose Nominal Measure and Nominal Distance , for the same Instance it gives me 0  which I absolutely Understand

but When I choose Measure type as Nominal Measures  and nominal Measure as Simple Matching SImilarity , I get   -1  , why is it so ?

and Please suggest the best way of Visualization of Distance Measuring.

Waiting for reply


  • landland RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 2,531 Unicorn
    yes your assumption is correct.

    Well if you want to convert a similarity into a distance you have two choices: Either use the formular: distance = 1 / similarity which will deform your scale or accept that you have negative distances and use distance = (-1) * similarity. Which will fulfill the order and no not affect the scale.

    The best way for visualizing depends on your task. And I guess that this now starts to become more consulting that free support.

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