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Calculating frequencies

psppsp Member Posts: 5 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help
Hi All

I need to calculate some frequencies.

Lets say I have an exampleSet with attributes Gender, Age and N. N is the number of people with a given gender and age. I need a new exampleSet with attributes Age and MaleFreq. Any easy method?



  • earmijoearmijo Member Posts: 271 Unicorn
    You can filter the Example Set using the operator "Filter Examples". Keep Gender==Male.

    (From what I understand from your question the aggregations has already been done).
  • psppsp Member Posts: 5 Contributor II

    But how do I calculate MaleFreq? For a given age, It should be something like MaleFreq = N(Male)/(N(Male)+N(Female)). How is that possible?

  • haddockhaddock Member Posts: 849 Maven

    You might also find the 'Aggregate' operator useful, curiously.

    Hope so!
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