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DataGenerator Criteria for target function

gustavo_baldanigustavo_baldani Member Posts: 3 Contributor I
edited November 2018 in Help
Hi everybody!!

I´m new in Datamaning and in RapidMiner too. xD

I want to know where can i see which criteria is taken to calculate the target funcion: simple polynomial classification in the DataGenerator operator.

Any help?



  • awchisholmawchisholm RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 458 Unicorn

    I had the same question and decided to look at the code to get the answer. To save you some time, you could look here



  • gustavo_baldanigustavo_baldani Member Posts: 3 Contributor I

    thks for replying.

    I have seen that post, and it was very usefull. But...  Help me a little....

    simple polynomial classification: label = "positive" if att1^4 > 100 otherwise "negative"

    2 points:

    - Its always that condition? I couldn´t find a relatsionship between my values and that binomial label (In my run).
    - Where can i see that criteria "Here is a list (taken from the source code) " ? In wich part have you seen that?

    Sorry for this basic question.

    I have been working in BI the last 6 years, bue i´m new in DM and in RapidMiner.

    I really like it.

    Thks again.
  • awchisholmawchisholm RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 458 Unicorn

    Royal wedding here - not invited but mildly drunk anyway

    I found this file
    C:\Program Files\Rapid-I\RapidMiner5\src\com\rapidminer\operator\generator\SimplePolynomialClassificationFunction.java
    and this code

    public class SimplePolynomialClassificationFunction extends ClassificationFunction {

    public double calculate(double[] att) throws FunctionException {
    if (att.length < 1)
    throw new FunctionException("Simple polynomial classification function", "needs at least one attribute!");
    if ((att[0] * att[0] * att[0] * att[0]) > 100)
    return getLabel().getMapping().mapString("positive");
    return getLabel().getMapping().mapString("negative");

  • gustavo_baldanigustavo_baldani Member Posts: 3 Contributor I
    Now yes!!

    Thks a lot Andrew!

    Best regards.
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