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Access Write

Wolfsburg2011Wolfsburg2011 Member Posts: 40 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help
Ich habe eine CSV datei in Rapid Miner importiert, jetzt möchte ich es in Access schreiben, bekomme ich eine Error, der sagte" A value for the parameter database_file must be specified". ich weiss es nicht, was es ist und wie kann ich  das Problem lösen. Ich bedanke mich für Ihre Hilfe ::)


  • colocolo Member Posts: 236 Maven
    The same question from another post (for the forum users not speaking German):
    Wolfsburg2011 wrote:

    I have a CSV file imported in Rapid Miner, now I want to write it in Access, I get an error that said "A value for the parameter database_file must be specified". I do not know what it meant and how I can solve the problem. Thank you for your help  :o

    Hi Wolfsburg2011,

    I guess you tried using the operator "Write Access"!? Did you fill in any parameter fields? It seems you forgot to point to the database file. What this parameter expects is described in the operator help:

    database file: The mdb file containing the Access database which should be written to.

    The data in your database has to be stored somewhere. Access uses files with .mdb extension for storage, and this information is required. Where should the data go otherwise?

  • Wolfsburg2011Wolfsburg2011 Member Posts: 40 Contributor II
    Hi Matthias,
    thanks a lot for your solution, I did it, but I wantet to Know, can I do it direkt without changing his format in csv!
    I want to know, can I write it in Access format. i.o. can I export it in Access format? I did it, but I got an error that says "Database could not be opened" even though I had given my csv file as DATABASE_ FILE. Thank you for your help ???
  • landland RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 2,531 Unicorn
    you have to enter your DATABASE FILE there! The Access Database File, NOT the CSV file. The CSV file must be read, not written!

  • Wolfsburg2011Wolfsburg2011 Member Posts: 40 Contributor II
    I tought, that I can write an CSV file in Access file. is it possible? i.e I want to change my format from CSV to Access. Thank you for your answer :)
  • Wolfsburg2011Wolfsburg2011 Member Posts: 40 Contributor II
    Hi Sebastian,
    I have done exactly that, but it did not work. Can you please tell me precisely, how it works? I'm total  new to RM. Thanks
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