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Max. Memory for Rapidanalytics

adamanadaman Member Posts: 17 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help

i´m doing some student research and therefor i downloaded RapidAnalytics which really is a greta piece of software. But now i have a little problem with the max. memory that i can allocate to RapidAnalytics, i´m going to describe now.

1. I Design of my data mining processes at a front end with RapidMiner (5.1.006)
2. A instance of RapidAnalytic is running on a vmware-server with Linux 64Bit as operation system - With RapidMiner 5.1.006 (i have just copied the new libs in the /ROOT.war/webstart/)
3. As a restriction of vmware a single host can only get 3,7 GB of RAM
4. In the RapidAnalytics run.conf i have given the server a max of 2GB through JAVA_OPTS
5. Running a outlier detection ends in java heap space error

A solutions from point 3. on could be:

3. Switch to VirtualBox 4.1.0 as it´s limit for 64-bit hosts is 1TB
4. Giving the server through JAVA_OPTS more memory
5. Running outlier detection; hopefully with success :-)

But the question is now:

What is the maximum RAM the RapidAnalytics server can handel? As RapidAnalytics is a 32Bit Version, again 3,7GB or not?
Is run.conf the correct file to edit the RAM, which is available for the Remote Process execusion?

Thank you for your help if anything is not clear just ask.



  • fischerfischer Member Posts: 439 Maven

    what makes you believe RA is 32 bit? It simply depends on the Java you are using.

  • veveveve Member Posts: 63 Contributor II
    Note: On linux systems you have to change the standalone.conf and standalone.conf.bat files
  • Marco_BoeckMarco_Boeck Administrator, Moderator, Employee, Member, University Professor Posts: 1,996 RM Engineering

    this thread is old. The first 2 posts talk about RapidAnalytics 1.x while today RapidMiner Server 2.x is the up to date version which requires changes to the standalone.conf/standalone.conf.bat files :)

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