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how do you export the results table

frazmanfrazman Member Posts: 10 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help
  First of all, thanks for all the members here for getting me started.
I am able to make the start now and have started delving into actual ML stuff.
So, I am trying to build a simple k-NN classifier and I have been able to succesfully test it in unlabelled data.
I have a very basic question.
In the results section, the tables we get..
how do we export those tables in excel sheet
The table in --> Example set--> Data view.
How do i export the tables which can be read in excel format.

Best Answer


  • frazmanfrazman Member Posts: 10 Contributor II
    oh great! thanks a lot.. :)
  • patkupatku Member Posts: 1 Learner III
    colo wrote:

    since you can see the results in the results view, you have probably connected the data flow from the last operator to the results port of the process. If you just append the "Write Excel" operator to the end of the process, you can easily export the table (the things you see in the data view) into an excel file.
    What if we have the results of a long-running process and we don't want to run it all over again? Do you have to save the results in a repository and create a new process to retrieve those results and write to file, or is there a more straightforward approach? (EDIT: I found that selecting all cells and copying, then pasting into Excel is probably the easiest, although the headers aren't included that way.)

    EDIT: Apparently only enterprisers get this nice feature:
    Sebastian Land wrote:

    this functionality is part of the enterprise version only. There you can export every table format into an excel sheet...
    In my case, neither seems to work because I have association rules and the "Write to xxx" operators all want an example set. Although there is a conversion operator that goes from frequent item sets to data, there doesn't seem to be one for association rules. Any ideas about that?
  • MarkusWMarkusW Member Posts: 22 Learner II
    I wish I knew that, before I started training a machine
  • MarkusWMarkusW Member Posts: 22 Learner II
    Okay, @colo which exit(s) from the Crossvalidation do I have to put into "Write Excel" and where does the file end up? If left it running and all I got was the Description "Memory Buffered File"
  • MartinLiebigMartinLiebig Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, University Professor Posts: 3,531 RM Data Scientist
    this is a very old thread. But what you want to do is not connect the purple fil port of Write Excel, but only the blue exa port.

    - Sr. Director Data Solutions, Altair RapidMiner -
    Dortmund, Germany
  • MarkusWMarkusW Member Posts: 22 Learner II
    edited October 2021
    Thanks, I just didn't want to open a new one, when in essence the problem was already solved.
    So Crossvalidations Exa goes into Write excels inp, put Write Excels outputs go unused (This last part, was what I did wrong, when I tried it, I connected the output to res, because I thought that was required to view the results).
    Where does the file than go/where can I find it, so I can open it?
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