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Extending Rapidminer Community Edition?

jpuetzjpuetz Member Posts: 4 Contributor I
edited November 2018 in Help
Is it possible to extend the Community Edition of Rapidminer or would I need to use the Enterprise Version? On the download page it doesnt really say anything about which Version I would need if I want to extend it, so I guess the Community Version should be fine?


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    StaryVenaStaryVena Member Posts: 126 Contributor II
    yes it is possible to extend the Community Edition of Rapidminer. But you must releas your source codes under AGPL licence.

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    jpuetzjpuetz Member Posts: 4 Contributor I
    Thanks for your quick response!
    Does that mean I have to release the source code (under AFPL) even if its just for a study project? Or just if it gets published it has to be under that licence?
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    StaryVenaStaryVena Member Posts: 126 Contributor II
    I'm not sure in this topic. But all source codes which inherit from RM source codes must be under AGPL license. But where is no plaintiff, there is no judge. So if you publish your project and somebody ask for source codes, you should provide them.

    Another situation will be, if you use your project for commercial purpose.

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