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Rapidminer vs. Salford Predictive Miner
HI all, I am looking for software that is free or inexpensive for data mining and wanted to see if Rapidminer has the techniques that I am looking for. I have been using Salford Predictive Miner but am not going to be able to continue using it due to its cost, and wanted to find out how Rapidminer compares. I could not find much on the Internet in terms of the features. The techniques I have been using are:
recursive partitioning
multivariate adaptive spline models
multiple additive regression trees
random forests
Also, how much of a learning curve is there for Rapidminer? I know SAS and Python.
recursive partitioning
multivariate adaptive spline models
multiple additive regression trees
random forests
Also, how much of a learning curve is there for Rapidminer? I know SAS and Python.
You could always use R with RapidMiner. I'm not an R expert but I found a package called "rpart" for recursive partitioning and "earth" for multivariate adaptive regression spline models (mars - ha ha). Random forests and boosting are already operators in RapidMiner.
Learning curve can be extensive but if you know another tool, I guess you would have the jargon learned already which in my experience is a great help. My personal experience is that it took a few months to really cross the line and become productive. There are many sources of data out there that help. I even maintain a low frequency blog to give something back to the community where I share the occasional thought about some tips and tricks I've learned on the way.
If these modules are available in R what is the point of using RapidMiner integrated with R? Wouldn't I just use R by itself?
Is there any way to integrate RapidMiner with Python? It would be ideal since I am learning Python and it doesn't make sense for me to learn R as well.
Yes, rapidminer supports clustering, frequent itemset mining, and also association rules. Actually, you do not need R extension for that.
I am afraid that there is not any simple way how to use Python, however you can use Groovy, which is C or JAVA like scripting language.