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"text processing code modification"

alandhwalandhw Member Posts: 25 Contributor II
edited June 2019 in Help
I downloaded the text processing extension from http://sourceforge.net/projects/rapidminer/files/2.%20Extensions/Text%20Processing/5.0/ .
I open the files by using JCreator. I wish to do modification on it to implement new codes. How can I run the code to see the result of the changes? 


  • MariusHelfMariusHelf RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,869 Unicorn

    first of all we suggest to base your modifications on the latest version 5.2 from http://sourceforge.net/projects/rapidminer/files/2.%20Extensions/Text%20Processing/5.2/ . To run your changes, you need to checkout RapidMiner in addition, and run the *makeJar* target of its ant file. Then, run the *install* target of the text processing extension to install it. The RapidMiner source and the extension source must be put into the same folder for it to work, like this:


    Instead of modifying an extisting extension, you should consider to create a custom extension, because RapidMiner's API is quite stable, so that your extension is very likely to work also in future versions, whereas no one can guarantee that you can apply your patches after the next release of the TextProcessing extension.

  • alandhwalandhw Member Posts: 25 Contributor II
    thanks marius.

    1. check out by using eclipse? as I know that checkout is for whole RapidMiner instead of text processing. Am I able to chekout only textprocessing?

    2. any other IDE can do checkout for rapidminer? I prefer netbeans. If yes, can show me the steps of doing it?

  • MariusHelfMariusHelf RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,869 Unicorn
    You can check out with whatever tool you like, even with a command line svn client :) We are using eclipse, so we can't tell anything about netbeans, but I see no reason why it should not work with it.

    You can also obtain the zipped sources directly from sourceforge, if you don't want to you svn: http://sourceforge.net/projects/rapidminer/files/ Please find the text processing extension in the Extensions folder.

    On the upper left there is also the "browse svn" link, from where you can find out about the paths inside the svn repository, if you want to checkout with svn.

    Best, Marius
  • alandhwalandhw Member Posts: 25 Contributor II
    1. what URL I need to insert to do the checkout? It iis this one >> https://rapidminer.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rapidminer ??

    2. " To run your changes, you need to checkout RapidMiner in addition, and run the *makeJar* target of its ant file. Then, run the *install* target of the  text processing extension to install it."
    I could't get your meaning here, and I cant found the make.jar

    3. "On the upper left there is also the "browse svn" link, from where you can find out about the paths inside the svn repository,"
    "browse svn" from where?

    Sorry that I cant really get the meaning.
  • MariusHelfMariusHelf RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,869 Unicorn
    1./3. With that link you would get the complete RapidMiner repository, including all branches, tags and extensions, resulting probably in several gigabytes. Under this link (http://sourceforge.net/projects/rapidminer/files/) there is the code menu in the upper right. In that menu, choose the point "Browse SVN". There you can browse through the svn repository. Just append the paths you follow there to the svn url. So to download the Unuk branch of RapidMiner the svn url should be like: https://rapidminer.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rapidminer/Unuk , for the Text Mining extension https://rapidminer.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rapidminer/Plugins/TextProcessing/Unuk/ (didn't try it, but it should work). If it does not work, you can use the "download GNU tarball" link in the repository browser to download the current folder.

    2. Sorry, I wasn't clear about that: in the project folders, you find a build.xml, this is an ant build file. It contains so-called targets. You need to install the ant tool to run them. Eclipse has a built-in ant manager, so that would be the easiest way. But you can also do it with other tools, or run ant directly from the command line.

    Best, Marius
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