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IDA installation exception
Dear all,
I run Rapidminer5 latest version on a WinXP 32bit box. I was installing the IDA extension to get the intelligent discovery assistant running. When starting the first time, the dialogs notes to install XSB and flora2 into the directory c:\XSBFLORABUNDLE. However, the process gives me an exception:
Exception: ch.uzh.ifi.ddis.ida.installer.exception.IDAInstallationException
Message: runflora file doesn't exist at the required location
Stack trace:
I could see that c:\XSBFLORABUNDLE was created. Apparently, write permissions are in place.
The dialog windows also notes that XSB and flora2 were "downloaded". The string run through very quickly, I may have not spotted it correctly.
How shall I proceed?
Thanks and best regards,
I run Rapidminer5 latest version on a WinXP 32bit box. I was installing the IDA extension to get the intelligent discovery assistant running. When starting the first time, the dialogs notes to install XSB and flora2 into the directory c:\XSBFLORABUNDLE. However, the process gives me an exception:
Exception: ch.uzh.ifi.ddis.ida.installer.exception.IDAInstallationException
Message: runflora file doesn't exist at the required location
Stack trace:
I could see that c:\XSBFLORABUNDLE was created. Apparently, write permissions are in place.
The dialog windows also notes that XSB and flora2 were "downloaded". The string run through very quickly, I may have not spotted it correctly.
How shall I proceed?
Thanks and best regards,
Meanwhile, I managed to get XSB and flora-2 installed. runflora.bat exists and runs through down to the shell. However, the installation in RapidMiner could not be completed. It seems that Rapidminer wants to write a version.txt file in the "ida" subdirectory located in
"C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\<user>\.RapidMiner5"
After I created "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\<user>\.RapidMiner5\ida", Rapidminer created version.txt.
However, Rapidminer throws an exception when writing into the file:
Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
Message: null
Stack trace:
java.io.Writer.write(Unknown Source)
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source)
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
I checked the file version.txt. It is a 0 bytes file. It is not write protected.
The problem is located in one of the rapidminer packages. Could someone help me please to get around this showstopper?
Thanks and best regards,
I previously posted it in the "problems and support" board, but the situation changed.
It seems to be more a Rapidminer problem.
An update:
Meanwhile, I managed to get XSB and flora-2 installed. runflora.bat exists and runs through down to the shell. However, the installation in RapidMiner could not be completed. It seems that Rapidminer wants to write a version.txt file in the "ida" subdirectory located in
"C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\<user>\.RapidMiner5"
After I created "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\<user>\.RapidMiner5\ida", Rapidminer created version.txt.
However, Rapidminer throws an exception when writing into the file:
Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
Message: null
Stack trace:
java.io.Writer.write(Unknown Source)
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source)
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
I checked the file version.txt. It is a 0 bytes file. It is not write protected.
The problem is located in one of the rapidminer packages. Could someone help me please to get around this showstopper?
Thanks and best regards,
The extension does not work, because it cannot install the additional files from http://www.e-lico.eu/.
Seems that all files from http://www.e-lico.eu/public/IDADownloads are not available anymore.
Could please update the extension.
It's a pity,
please stop opening new Thread if you already have one thread open that describes your problem.
I've reported that problem and we will come back to you when we have a solution.
I can confirm that the links were not working for some time, but we're not absolutely sure what the reason was. There is an HTTP redirect which may have caused caching issues. However for me this all works again now. Please let me know if there are still problems.
I managed to sucessfully run IDA. :-) Simon, thanks a lot for the files.
I tested it with the iris dataset and it runs smoothly. Yippeh!
However, there are a couple of things to be aware of:
I made the experience that under WinXP 32bit, the runflora.bat does start properly. I had a discussion with the developer: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=20120327202319.44c8c6c9%40kiferserv&forum_name=flora-users
Basically, the outcome is for WinXP 32bit...
0. once, you have installed the IDA extension, but haven't executed the post-install routine.
1. Use XSB 3.2 (binary) + flora 0.96.1(source). Put everything in C:\XSBFLORABUNDLE
2. Compile flora by yourself. Straight forward, description is on sourceforge site. Test: Run runflora.bat. It shall provide you with a shell prompt.
3. Compile the java interface in C:\XSBFLORABUNDLE\flora2\java\API. Set the JAVA_PATH variable in the windowsVariables.bat file (contained in directory above the one I specified) correctly.
4. run the the IDA post-installation by specifying c:\XSBFLORABUNDLE as an existing installation
5. wait... To check that the installation is still running, look at the CPU load. It shall indicate a high load, when still running.
The XSB 3.3.1 and flora 0.96.1 runs successfully there. I had some trouble when running the IDA post-installation routine. This was mainly caused by a missing JDK. In this case, I recommend to compile the java interface manually as I described it in item 3 above. Continue with the items 4 and 5 from the list above. Here you go.
Best regards,