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[SOLVED] WriteCSV not creating a new file?

sgtrocksgtrock Member Posts: 17 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help
Hello, all;

Currently running 5.2.002.

I'm attempting to create a set of new .CSV files inside a loop by using WriteCSV.  While I can create the files ahead of time and populate them using this operator, it can't or won't create them from scratch.  Is this expected behavior?



As it turns out, it was the special characters embedded in the fields I was using to generate the filenames.  The problem went away after I cleaned them out.


  • MariusHelfMariusHelf RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,869 Unicorn
    No, that's definitely not expected behaviour. Can you please update to the latest version (we release 5.2.003 a few days ago) and post your process setup, if the problem persists?

  • sgtrocksgtrock Member Posts: 17 Contributor II
    OK.  I'll update over the weekend and give it a shot.

    Thanks for the quick response!
  • sgtrocksgtrock Member Posts: 17 Contributor II
    After updating, I'm still getting the same error message.  The text from it is:
    The file C:\Path\To\Where\The\Files\Were\To\Be\Created\"CategoryName"-"SubCategoryName"-"SubSubCategoryName".csv" does not exist.  A file does not exist.  For a given filename, RapidMiner resolves the filename against the directory the experiment file is stored in. If there is no  experiment file (which is possible in GUI mode for a new, but not saved experiment) the current working directory is used.  If the file name denotes an absolute path, the file is not resolved.
    I should note that the definition for the file included an absolute path.  The file name itself was defined as
    I would prefer to not post the XML as it has far too much information about both my company and the project that I'm working on embedded in it.  Scrubbing it to the point where it could be shared while still keeping it viable would be a very painful process.

    As an aside, I would LOVE to post some images from the GUI.  The text from the error message would have been nice, as would posting a screen capture of just the WriteCSV definition.  Any chance that attaching image files to posts will be enabled at some point?  (Note:  I understand why you would not want to enable it globally, but simple images sure would be helpful for situations like mine.)
  • MariusHelfMariusHelf RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,869 Unicorn

    are you sure that the folder exists and is writable by RapidMiner? Does your filename contain special characters which might cause problems creating the file? Did you retry with a relative path to see if that solves the problem? As I said, I can't reproduce the problem here.

    For the images, you can upload your screenshots to one of the various free image hosters and link them here. But of course you can also copy-paste error messages directly as text, and you can also copy only the Write CSV definition from the XML code.

    Best, Marius
  • sgtrocksgtrock Member Posts: 17 Contributor II
    are you sure that the folder exists and is writable by RapidMiner?
    Yes.  I made sure to select it using the "Choose file..." dialog.
    Does your filename contain special characters which might cause problems creating the file?
    That... might be it.  When I look at the error dialog, it looks like some double quotes are getting inserted into the filename.  Specifically, the ones around CategoryName, SubCategoryName, and SubSubCategoryName.  Any thoughts on how that might be happening?  Could they be included from the source .CSV file that I'm using?
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