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"java code for each operator"

nawafpowernawafpower Member Posts: 34 Contributor II
edited June 2019 in Help
Hi Guys,

If I have a model built in RM, how can I found the java code for each operator in my model? like where is the code for the SVM if was inside X-Validation? or where is the code for DF/ITF found in the process files from document block? Please help.
Moderator. if this is already answered, I'm sorry couldn't find where.


  • MariusHelfMariusHelf RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,869 Unicorn

    RapidMiner is written entirely in Java. You can download the java sources from our website at http://rapid-i.com , but it will be pretty hard to dig through the source code if you have no programming experience.

    The code used to create e.g. an SVM is the same no matter if the SVM is used inside a X-Validation or elsewhere.

    All the best,
  • nawafpowernawafpower Member Posts: 34 Contributor II
    I managed to run the rapid miner through Eclipse, it made it for some reason faster to run, I can see all the source code, but still can't track where is each block from my model code in the tree. I gave an example the SVM and I know it will be the same where ever you move it, just wanted to know where to find the code for each part of my model so I understand things in a better way. Thanks
  • MariusHelfMariusHelf RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,869 Unicorn
    Ok, if you already have RapidMiner inside eclipse it makes things way easier :)
    The RapidMiner core contains a file called OperatorsCoreDocumentation.xml which contains the documentation for all operators. Here you can search for the name of the operator and then find its key.
    Then open OperatorsCore.xml and search for the key. Then you'll find the class name of the operator next to the key.

    For operators from extensions you have to also checkout the extension and then search for the file Operators[NameOfPlugin]Documentation.xml

  • nawafpowernawafpower Member Posts: 34 Contributor II
    Thanks for the great help, this actually help me a great deal. But I found for example "process_document_from_data" in the "OperatorsCoreDocumentation.xml" but could't find this key in the "OperatorsCore.xml". I did found the SVM for example but not the process document from files neither the "N-Gram" or "Stopword". if these operators are present in the OperatorsCoreDocumentation.xml so why I couldn't find them in the OperatorsCore.xml file?
    Your help is greatly appreciated, you really shorten the distance for getting into this. Thanks
  • Marco_BoeckMarco_Boeck Administrator, Moderator, Employee, Member, University Professor Posts: 1,996 RM Engineering

    these operators can be found in the TextProcessing extension. As for why they are left in the OpCoreDoc.xml, I don't really know, probably an oversight when they were moved to the TextProcessing extension. Documentation is nowadays pulled from the wiki anyway ;)

  • nawafpowernawafpower Member Posts: 34 Contributor II
    The problem is that the Text package under com.rapidminer.operator.text  is empty.
    I re install rapid miner and try to download new WVTool but couldn't download, the download link was broken, so I used old download of WVTool and copied the WVTool.jar into lib\plugins and nothing happened. please help
  • Marco_BoeckMarco_Boeck Administrator, Moderator, Employee, Member, University Professor Posts: 1,996 RM Engineering

    the text processing functionality is a RapidMiner extension (for quite some time now), so you will have to download its sources separately.

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