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Write excel
I apologise for asking such a basic question, but I have searched through support pages and cannot find anything that answers my query at the basic level I function at!
I followed instructions from the Vancouver blog to create a basic series of operators to extract text, tokenise and generate n-grams.
Now I want to output the results as an Excel, with values for each word/phrase identified in each text file so I can use other software to analyse it.
So, I added a "write excel" operator.
It runs fine and produces a "File Write excel" tab in my results. All that says is "memory buffered file".
Has something gone wrong?
I followed instructions from the Vancouver blog to create a basic series of operators to extract text, tokenise and generate n-grams.
Now I want to output the results as an Excel, with values for each word/phrase identified in each text file so I can use other software to analyse it.
So, I added a "write excel" operator.
It runs fine and produces a "File Write excel" tab in my results. All that says is "memory buffered file".
Has something gone wrong?
if you want to store your results as an excle file you need to specify the file by changing the 'excle file' parameter of the 'Write Excle' operator.
The file output port only emits an file object that can be used by other operators..
Here is an example: Best,
is there any way to do this without editing the xml?
The code generated by the current process is below.
Sorry to be ignorant, but how do I go about modifying that?
the problem is that you have an outgoing connection on "fil" output of the Write Excel operator. You could either delete that connection to make the "excel_file" parameter appear in the operator parameters, or connect the Write File operator to the "fil" output to write the excel file either to disk or into the repository.
All the best,