
RapidMiner difficulty accessing long URLs to extract web data

leptserkhanleptserkhan Member Posts: 7 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help
New to RapidMiner and hope someone can assist.  I have a starting URL as such for web crawling:


regex is:
follow_link_with_matching_url = .*dig.*
have also tried: follow_link_with_matching_url = .*+dig+.* and also .+dig.+

have tried it with all of the four rule applications and nothing is returned.

the link to access looks like this with copy and paste as text:


I know that the text "dig" is contained in the links I wish to access.  I have copied and pasted the inspect element copy as html below, as well as copied and pasted the inspect element copy as xpath below for help (I would prefer to use xpath in regex but don't know how to use that with using rapidminer to select web data):

<a id="digLinkabc" href="/dig/hoopla">abc. Dig</a>

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