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A manual about the components

ruisvenssonruisvensson Member Posts: 1 Learner III
edited November 2018 in Help
Anyone has published an manual describing all the components, allowing the user choice the right component for each task ?
As any other software, Rapid Miner should have this manual.
Or peraphs exists, anybode can put the link ?


  • chikayachikaya Member Posts: 5 Contributor II
    Do you mean the Operators or what do mean by "components". If you mean operators (functions, algorithms), then they seem to be only documented in RapidMiner. You will see this when you click on any one or hover with the mouse pointer on them. An external documentation may be nice when you just want to scroll down and glanz at the operators, or you are in the train an don't want to start RM or you just want to show a colleague or..... Sometimes, such a documentation is good for discovary especially if you are not an expert.
    Thumbs up however to the documentation and search function in RM
  • Nils_WoehlerNils_Woehler Member Posts: 463 Maven

    we are currently working on a comprehensive Operator Manual for RapidMiner. It approximately will be released at the end of august.

  • fritmorefritmore Member Posts: 90 Contributor II
    Nils wrote:


    we are currently working on a comprehensive Operator Manual for RapidMiner. It approximately will be released at the end of august.

    'bout time muhehe  ;D
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