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"combining csv datasets"

ferran1977ferran1977 Member Posts: 2 Contributor I
edited June 2019 in Help
dear all,

i am new in rapid miner. i am just trying to do a simple task bt i can't.

i would like to fusion two csv datasets.

on one side i got one data set containing values from an electroencephalogram.

date       time               image        val1  val2    val3 ...
2021 , 155636686 , img01.png,   10 , 10 , 1305629 , 160891 , 209449 , 30393 , 132207 , 27711 , 30756 , 5792

on the other dataset correlation values

img03.png , very happy
img03.png , arousal neutral
img03.png , quite dominant

how can i put all of them in a single dataset?


  • earmijoearmijo Member Posts: 271 Unicorn
    That is very easy to acomplish. Read both datasets using "Image" as an Id variable and then use the Join operator.
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