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Rapid miner RAM usage
Hi i have noticed that when i run a process on rapid it just use few amount of available RAM while as the process takes much longer time the Rapid use more ram ..but this takes so much time ...how can i make rapid use more RAM from beginning? I need my processes to be done more quickly what can i do? some times i have to wait for weeks.
Thanks alot
Thanks alot
It is always worth searching this forum, this question is asked and answered very often, for example just 2 days ago!
i have 8 Gig available Ram but rapid use does not use it.....as i said it just use few of it at first...then start to increase it so slowwwwwwyly....
when i run rapid on SERVER i have 20 GB available ram ....at first Rapid use 4 gig after days it reach to 12 or 13 i want rapid to use Ram from the beginning
not after days.
it says "The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (20000 characters). "
to make RapidMiner reserve a certain amount of RAM directly after starting you can use the startup scripts instead of the .exe file and pass the -Xms paramter to the execution line, e.g. "-Xms8000M"l. However, this won't increase the performance of RapidMiner - the Xms option only serves the purpose of reserving the RAM such that it cannot be claimed by other processes before RapidMiner uses it.
Best, Marius