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Starting the Application

Kirk_FlemingKirk_Fleming Member Posts: 3 Contributor I
edited November 2018 in Help
How do I start RA?

I believe I've successfully installed RA on Windows 7, using Postgres 9.1 as the database and having successfully created and connected to that database during the install process.
I recall that at completion of installation the install procedure advised to start RA by running a batch file, although that part wasn't too clear.
In any case--the problem now is that I see no obvious way to actually start RA--that is, I can find nothing in Start or on the desktop and can find no executable that would suggest how to fire this thing up.



  • Nils_WoehlerNils_Woehler Member Posts: 463 Maven

    if you have installed RA as a Service it will be started after you have booted.
    If you haven't you can start it by executing the file %INSTALLATION_PATH/bin/run.bat as it is described at the end of the installation.

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