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Threshold Cutoff

AB26511AB26511 Member Posts: 11 Contributor II
edited June 2019 in Help
Hi Team,

When the result of any Binary dependent variable is produced the Threshold Cutoff is 50%.  For example consider simple Customer churn model, in this if the Confidence Y is above 0.5 means the Customer will churn & Confidence N above 50% means Customer will not churn. Is it possible to change this Threshold Cutoff from 50% to any other required Percentage?

Please advice,



  • MariusHelfMariusHelf RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,869 Unicorn
    Yes. The simplest way is Create Threshold in combination with Apply Threshold (apply that operator on a dataset with confidence values, i.e. after Apply Model).
    There are more sophisticated ways to change the threshold, e.g. Select Recall, MetaCost or Find Threshold.

    Happy Mining!
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