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Selecting Nodes in XML

UrselinhoUrselinho Member Posts: 10 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help
Hi there,
and another thing.

Situation: I Do have one XML-File containing informations to certain articles.

The basic structure of the document goes like this:

What I want to Do now is to retrieve the content of each description-tag as a single "row" for doing some text processing afterwards.

How Can I do this?

I already tried the "Read XML" Operator. This one just works fine, but as it produces "only" Output I don't know how to use this output for my further text processing.

When using the "Process Documents from files" and X-Path Rapid Miner only retrieves the first occurence of "Description".

I would appreciate any help.

Many thanks in advance.

Kind Regards,
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