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[SOLVED] Creating and deleting building blocks

frasfras Member Posts: 93 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help

I have to scratch our last posting again.
Sure the following works ?
>>To create custom building blocks, select the operators that you want to save as building block. Then go to Edit->Save as Building Block.<<

Just found this bug:

And to delete these custom building blocks I have to go down to the .RapidMiner5-Directory (rm -f *.buildingblock) ?


  • MariusHelfMariusHelf RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,869 Unicorn
    fras wrote:

    I have to scratch our last posting again.
    Sure the following works ?
    >>To create custom building blocks, select the operators that you want to save as building block. Then go to Edit->Save as Building Block.<<

    Just found this bug:
    DId you try it? Actually, building blocks can only contain one top-level element, so if you have selected more than one operator, only one will be part of the building block.
    If you want to bundle several operators, you have to put them into one single Subprocess operator.

    And to delete these custom building blocks I have to go down to the .RapidMiner5-Directory (rm -f *.buildingblock) ?

    No, you can do that via Tools->Manage Building Blocks. Just be keen and explore the menus ;)

    Best, Marius
  • frasfras Member Posts: 93 Contributor II
    Oh, indeed. It seems I've mixed up "building blocks" and  "subprocesses" since begin of our thread. ;(
    Building blocs are a quite prominent feature in the GUI (Edit- and Tool-Menu)
    in contrast to subprocesses only available from the Operator-Perspective.
    What's the reason for this ? For me subprocesses are much more powerfull than building blocs.
    Why RM offers the concept of building blocs at all ?
  • MariusHelfMariusHelf RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,869 Unicorn
    Building blocks help you if you use the same set of operators in many processes - e.g. the X-Validation consists always of the same operators and connections, you just have to put in the correct learning operator. To prevent you from having to drag the same operators to the grid again and again in every new process setup, you can store these operator combinations as building blocks and insert them into the process with a few clicks.

    Best, Marius
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