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correlacion entre variables de temperaturas

AIDYSAIDYS Member Posts: 1 Learner III
edited November 2018 in Help
Good evening, I'm starting to use this excellent tool me, but I had trouble with it. acontinuación explain:
in the example is required to determine the correlation between the temperatures given by sensors (43) located in a datacenter racks, namely the correlation between temperature variables which tell me if a temperature influences the other and that percentage, as a method of predicting the behavior of air conditioning and how it affects the data center equipment.
I have a database with the following fields: date (date; attribute), time (time; attribute), temperature (real label), id_sensor (integer, id), x, y, z location of the sensor (polynomial; actual ), area (integer; attribute), No. rack (integer, attribute). Exported the database to RapidMiner, the process is correct, but I can not know how to make the correlation between the temperature variables.
I appreciate the help they can provideme,


  • MariusHelfMariusHelf RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,869 Unicorn

    maybe the Correlation Matrix operator is what you need?

    Best, Marius
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