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aborgaborg Member Posts: 66 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help

  Recently there was a conflict between KNIME and the RapidMiner integration for KNIME plugin, the Java Snippet node (in KNIME) was not usable when my plugin was installed. It turned out the problem was one of the common dependencies (rsyntaxtextarea). They created an OSGi bundle of it and suggested to me to use it as a dependency for the RapidMiner plugin. It will work fine.
  Although the best option would be if RapidMiner an OSGi bundle with the proper dependency ranges set. This way the OSGi container would simply find the proper combination of dependencies and those could not interfere with each other. (Well, I guess in this case there might be some problems, as in RM 5.2 the dependency's version is 1.x, while in KNIME it is 2.x, so there could be a problem, but luckily it seems both can use 2.x,)
  Naturally if it is only me who needs there will be not much testing in this regard (I guess RM do not plan to move to an OSGi container as a default launcher). Do others also would like to see an improvement like this? Are there plans to move in this direction?
Thanks, gabor
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