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My extension documentation (for consumption by com.rapidminer.gui.OperatorDocumentationBrowser.assignDocumentation) keeps hitting a NullPointerException within com.rapidminer.gui.OperatorDocToHtmlConverter.convert when it calls trans.transform(xmlSource, new StreamResult(buffer)). Now, this happens within java.xml.transform.Transformer so I'm not sure what exactly it's complaining about.
http://rapid-i.com/schemas/documentation/reference/1.0/documentation.xsd was useful to find out the grammar of the expected xml, which I'm following.
Trying to isolate the incorrect bit, I've cut down on the file until there only remains what follows below, but it still fails with a NullPointerException. Any clue?
http://rapid-i.com/schemas/documentation/reference/1.0/documentation.xsd was useful to find out the grammar of the expected xml, which I'm following.
Trying to isolate the incorrect bit, I've cut down on the file until there only remains what follows below, but it still fails with a NullPointerException. Any clue?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<p1:documents xmlns:p1="http://rapid-i.com/schemas/documentation/reference/1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://rapid-i.com/schemas/documentation/reference/1.0 http://rapid-i.com/schemas/documentation/reference/1.0/documentation.xsd";>
<operator key="operator.stream_trace" locale="en" version="5.2.008">
<title>Stream LTF Trace</title>
<synopsis>This operator can read a channel from an LTTng (Linux Trace Toolkit Next Generation) trace written in LTF 2.6 by incrementally caching it.</synopsis>
can you please provide a stacktrace? Where did you put your XML file?
At 729, the getDOM(source) succeeds. Then we jump to: It is apparently the Iterator that fails after a few calls of hasNext; I can't tell exactly where or why because the intermediate GregorSamsa.transform(DOM, DTMAxisIterator, SerializationHandler) call has a "line not available" in Eclipse's stack display.
Here you have the example code of the new documentation of write weights operator Best,