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Limiting Decision Tree branching factor

aryan_hosseinzaaryan_hosseinza Member Posts: 74 Contributor II
Hi everybody ,

I have a dataset with 5 attributes , one is nominal and it has large number of possible values (~5000 values) , I want to train a decision tree on this dataset but the problem is that when I include this feature , the branching factor for this attribute is very large and so model doesn't in the memory (I use 74 GB of main memory) , my dataset has about 620 K instances (rows) ,

Is it possible to put a limit on branching factor for this attribute ?

Thanks ,


  • MariusHelfMariusHelf RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,869 Unicorn
    Hi Arian,

    no, you can't limit the branching factor - for each nominal value a single branch will be created. But probably an attribute with that many features is probably not the best choice anyway. But tell me, are the values a fixed set, or is possible that new data contains different, new values? In that case the example is useless anyways.

    Best regards,
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