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[SOLVED] Copying repository as folder

tennenrishintennenrishin Member Posts: 177 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help
It used to be possible to copy the contents of an entire repository in the same way that a folder can be copied. For example, I used to copy entire repositories and paste them as folders in a "backup" repository. This no longer seems to be possible ("copy" option is grayed out in the context menu when right-clicking a repository). Is it indeed the case that the user must now copy the contents one by one?


  • SkirzynskiSkirzynski Member Posts: 164 Maven
    We are going to re-enable this copy-action. If you are using RapidMiner from the sourceforge sources you should be able to use it tomorrow, otherwise you have to wait for the next release. Fortunately a minor release is planned this or next week.  :)
  • tennenrishintennenrishin Member Posts: 177 Contributor II
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