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data streams, Online learning algorithms

GoceGoce Member Posts: 2 Contributor I
Hi all,

I have one question. Can you use Rapid Miner for data steam minig (Algorithms such as VFDT Very Fast Decision Tree)? Is there a tutorial available, anywhere?



  • MariusHelfMariusHelf RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,869 Unicorn
    Hi Goce,

    that's not yet possible.

    Best regards,
  • yasunotktyasunotkt Member Posts: 7 Contributor I

    Hi Goce

    I have oppotunities to predect dam inflow by unit interval 15 minutes.

    I study "Stream Data Management", "Massive Online Analysis (MOA)".


    I heard "MOA" regarding Bifet invited talk and Tutorial MOA at Halifax KDD2017.

    2012, Wikato university produced MOA library based on Java.

    I remember key algorithms such as :

          "Very Fast Decision Tree",    "Hoeffding Tree".


    MOA is friend with "Weka", like real big bird and small birds.

    RalidMiner already concludes Weka library.

    I hope to build in RapidMiner with new "MOA extension".


    Manual and Practical guide are opened web site.

    See below the MOA manual file more detail.

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