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(See below for a simple explanation of the formula along with a javascript implementation)
At first glance, you'd need to do (as an example & assuming noone has done so already) one of the following.
1-Change the algorithm for calculating the distance between the cluster points to use this formula in the DBscan operator.
2-Install the R extension & use someone elses implementation http://pastebin.com/TL81ycx9
3-Calculate the distance between all points using a Groovy script version of Haversine & lots & lots of loops. http://svn.codehaus.org/grails-plugins/grails-solr/trunk/src/groovy/org/grails/solr/Haversine.groovy
Option 2 looks like the easiest, but that said, this is RapidMiner so it's possible that someone has already done this.
Hope that helps!
Good luck!