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Connecting DB2/as400 to Rapid Analytics using jt400 driver
So, I got RA up and running in Ubuntu Linux. Everything seems to be working correctly so far, but for some reason I can't add a connection for our as400s...
I followed the directions in this post as closely as I could:,4437.0.html
I ended up putting the jt400.jar into //server/default/lib
I put the db2-400-ds.xml into //server/default/deploy
And it had this text in it (schema, username and password redacted, they are correct in my implementation)
What am I doing wrong? I did change the .xml file a bit so that the connection string more closely matched the working string I have in RapidMiner (after trying it the standard way first), but other than that I feel like I followed the instructions to the letter...
I followed the directions in this post as closely as I could:,4437.0.html
I ended up putting the jt400.jar into //server/default/lib
I put the db2-400-ds.xml into //server/default/deploy
And it had this text in it (schema, username and password redacted, they are correct in my implementation)
After doing all of this I go into RapidAnalytics at "localhost:8080" and sign in. I go to Administration > Data Connections > Create New Connection Entry. When I go to the drop down for the different DBs though my DB2/400 doesn't show up?
<connection-url>jdbc:as400:*********;prompt=false;extended dynamic=true;package=jbpkg;package cache=true;package library=jboss;errors=full</connection-url>
<!-- sql to call when connection is created
<new-connection-sql>some arbitrary sql</new-connection-sql>
<!-- sql to call on an existing pooled connection when it is obtained from pool
<check-valid-connection-sql>some arbitrary sql</check-valid-connection-sql>
<!-- corresponding type-mapping in the standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml (optional) -->
What am I doing wrong? I did change the .xml file a bit so that the connection string more closely matched the working string I have in RapidMiner (after trying it the standard way first), but other than that I feel like I followed the instructions to the letter...
After all of that, on a clean install of MySQL and a clean install of Rapid Analytics, the driver is still not showing up. Everything is still configured as specified...
In C:\RapidAnalytics\server\default\deploy there is a file called RapidAnalytics-CE-1.3.012.ear. Copy this to your own PC and open it using 7-zip. In the /lib/ sub directory open the rapidminer.jar then in com/rapidminer/resources you will find a file called jdbc_properties.xml. Edit this and add the following to the bottom.
<driver dbnameseparator="/" defaultport="50000" driver_jar="C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\java\" drivers="" name="DB2" urlprefix="jdbc:db2:"/></drivers>
Save this – repackage the zip and put it back on the server. Restart the server. In the database connections on the web interface DB2 will now appear as a drop down in the database types. You can configure this using the same technique as the ODBC bridge. Just enter the the DSN name, user name and password.