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"Linear Regression with Only Positive Weights"

jw00000jw00000 Member Posts: 2 Contributor I
edited June 2019 in Help
Rapidminer noob here,

I'm interested in performing a Linear Regression for the purposes of making a predictive model, but I would like to force the weights to be positive for each of the attributes. Likewise I may want to force the y-intercept to be zero.  Is this possible?



  • jw00000jw00000 Member Posts: 2 Contributor I
    Crickets.... Anyone else trying to do something similar?  In general I'm interested in bounding the weights by some constraints.  Curiously, if I choose to use a Polynomial Regression it offers me min/max coefficient parameters.  This confuses me since I thought that Polynomial Regression was merely a Linear Regression under the covers.
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