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Join two example sets by relative time value

Thrhw31Thrhw31 Member Posts: 2 Contributor I
edited November 2019 in Help

I'm using Rapidminer for mining some time series data. My imported example set contains several regular attributes and one ID-Attribute called "time". Now I have two of those sets and with different frequencies and precisions.

example set 1:    
time Attribute X
0.3 3.1
0.9 2.5
example set 2      
time Attribute Y
0.11 250
0.31 248
0.51 248
I want to join this sets without getting many missing values. Not like this one:                      
time Attribute x Attribute Y
0.3 3.1 ?
0.31 ?248
0.51 ? 248
0.6 2.8 ?
0.61 ?253
It would be nice if RM could link the time-ID with the higher precision to the lower precision (closest match, like 0.31 to 0.3). I cant simple round time, because I dont know the precision of my imported data. Perhaps I can use a groovy/java code-snipped, but unfortunately I have no experience with java programming. Every kind of help would be nice :)

greetings from germany

My solution (for now) is
- round the attribute time (two decimal places) of all example sets
- use join to merge the sets
Problem occur if my example set have more than 2 relevant decimal places, like  0.111, 0.112 , 0.113 ... 
That's why I'm searching for an alternative solution


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