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"Read Constructions Error: variable pi already exists"

IllyaIllya Member Posts: 5 Contributor II
edited June 2019 in Help

I have a problem with the Read Constructions. This operator reads a simple file with the attributes that  are constructing  attributes as itself:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<constructions version="5.1">
    <attribute name="M_SO2" construction="M_SO2"/>
    <attribute name="M_RAD" construction="M_RAD"/>
    <attribute name="M_UWIND" construction="M_UWIND"/>
    <attribute name="M_VWIND" construction="M_VWIND"/>
    <attribute name="SIN_YEAR" construction="SIN_YEAR"/>
    <attribute name="COS_YEAR" construction="COS_YEAR"/>

The indicator is always yellow and I receive this error::
PM WARNING: Error occurred and will be neglected by Handle Exception: Variable pi already exists.

I don't have it when the Read Construction is disabled.
Thank you in advance for your help and suggestions



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    srt19170srt19170 Member Posts: 44 Contributor II
    For what it is worth, I have this problem as well.
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    Marco_BoeckMarco_Boeck Administrator, Moderator, Employee, Member, University Professor Posts: 1,996 RM Engineering

    thank you for the bug report, I have created an internal ticket for this.

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    srt19170srt19170 Member Posts: 44 Contributor II
    Thanks Marco.  I downgraded to 5.2.008 and don't see the problem, so it's definitely a problem with 5.3.
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    IllyaIllya Member Posts: 5 Contributor II
    thanks for your quick reply!
    The  installation of 5.2.000 was not successfull. In this case i can't proof the idea with downgrade. I think it is the best quick fix of the problem in this time (thanks to srt19170)
    Marco, how can I know, if the problem is fixed and where can I download the fixed drivers?
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    Marco_BoeckMarco_Boeck Administrator, Moderator, Employee, Member, University Professor Posts: 1,996 RM Engineering

    once this issue has been fixed, I will post an update in this thread. It might take a while before this makes in into a release though. If you cannot wait, you could download the RapidMiner sources and fix the issue for yourself ;)

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    srt19170srt19170 Member Posts: 44 Contributor II
    Any update on this issue?  It's blocking everyone who uses "Read Constructions" from upgrading, so it's a very serious problem.

    -- Scott Turner
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